Want to know what goes on in my world? Read on! Disney - Cruising - Airplanes - Cooking - Singing - Movies - Notre Dame Football etc. etc. etc.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Science Jam 2007

Susan is going to be on tv tomorrow! For the past 4 years, the Richmond School Board puts on Science Jam which is essentially a huge science fair at Richmond Centre. So tomorrow from 5-7 (I think), 720 kids from all over Richmond will be displaying their science projects around the mall. Susan is the organizer of this huge event and will be interviewed by Tamara Taggert from CTV News.

So if you happen to be at Richmond Centre tomorrow, look for Susan in a white lab coat or you can check her out on channel 9 (BCTV) beginning at 5pm.

Monday, February 26, 2007

It's been a while

Sorry for the long overdue posting. So, Very Good Eddie ended on a high note (literally) and I was really happy with how it all turned out. I made some new friends, rekindled some old friendships and overall had a really good time. I hope those of you who saw it enjoyed yourselves.

After VGE ended, I quickly went into high gear rehearsing for the Arts in The City showcase (it was this past Saturday night). It was a real mixed bag of "arts and entertainment". My friend Jaclyn asked me to be in it and Jenn and Ryan helped put it all together. Before we performed, there were a couple poetry readings (I just didn't get it at all), a couple short skits (I didn't get that either) and then a comedian (this, I got). Then our group went on. We sang our songs about isolation and belonging (that was the theme) and then a few of us went out to Earl's for some food. It was very well received and I think they may have us back again next year. Hopefully.

So now, I have absolutely nothing planned. I didn't audition for Theatre under the Stars because I don't think I'll be able to commit that much time to it this summer. I won't be auditioning for The Mystery of Edwin Drood either because I'll be in Hawaii during the first rehearsal. Bad timing. Oh well. I will be in Hawaii, so I guess I'm not that sad. I'll see if I can help out with the show in some way.

I've not only been performing lately but also watching a lot of performances. Susan and I went to watch Jesus Christ Superstar with Ted Neely, the dude from the movie. I just didn't get this show at all. Not one of my favourites. Ted Neely, in his farewell tour, can still shake the pipes. Is that a saying? What I'm trying to say is that the dude can sing - high. Very very high.

We also went to watch Kristin in The UBC Gilbert and Sullivan Society's production of Iolanthe. It was a great production and Kristin once again stood out - in a very good way.

This past Sunday we watched Kristin perform at Granville Island as a part of the Winterruption festivities. She rocked the tent! I was so proud of her. She did good.

This Saturday Susan and I are going to watch The Producers. I'm looking forward to seeing this show. No Matthew Broderick or Nathan Lane, but I think the material will hold up on its own. It should be a dandy.

So that's really all that's been going on. We're starting to plan for our Hawaii trip. Arranging hotels, rental cars, side trips etc. Current temperature in Hawaii is a balmy 27 degrees. Looking forward to being with my people (a reference to the fact that I look a tad Polynesian in the summer).

Oooooh and the new wing of the international terminal building at YVR opens up soon. I took a tour of it this morning and it looks new and shiny. I'll take some pics soon and show you all the cool stuff it has!

Okay, that's it for now. Take care.


Thursday, February 15, 2007

What a week!

Wow I'm pooped. The students I have for my BCIT course have been keeping me on my toes this week! I have one more day with them tomorrow and then I pass them onto my brother. Man, I hope they learned something.

Opening night for Very Good Eddie went much better than the preview night. We just loosened up a lot more and had a lot more fun with our roles. The cast is starting to gel more and we're anticipating each other a lot better. The audience was very generous last night and they laughed a lot. Ryan Mooney is hilarious in this. Actually everyone in the cast is very funny and boy can these people sing!! The audiences have been small though...SOOOO, if you would like to come watch a very funny once-in-a-lifetime show, come out this weekend! I'd love to see you there! You can see some pictures on the website too - yes, that's me in a gigantic green bowtie. Sweet.

Okay, off to the theatre!

Monday, February 12, 2007


Well the rehearsals for Very Good Eddie just flew by! We started this past Wednesday and after only 30 hours of rehearsal, we are about to begin performing on Tuesday night!

This show has a lot of comedic elements and the cast is great. They are a lot of fun to work with and just nice people. I'm glad to be working with them!

So come and see the show everyone! I hope you enjoy it!

Also, this week I have begun my yearly stint of teaching my Marketing Airports for Revenue course at BCIT. This year's crop of students seem pretty nice. They are all quite young but their knowledge of the airport industry is pretty good. I'll be talking all day and then singing all night...somethings got to give.

Anyway, I'll give you another report tomorrow and let you know how the preview went.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

The VP

Well, we got some good news last night! Susan is going to be a vice-principal! Will she put the "ice" in vice-principal or will she put the "pal" in vice-principal? Only time will tell. She had her panel interview last Thursday but got the news last night.

We were at choir practice last night so Susan called home to see if there was any news on the answering machine. She punched in the code to retreive our messages but instead managed to deactivate the answering machine. D'oh! So we got home about 9:30 and to our relief we saw the blinking red light on the machine. She made the appropriate phone calls etc. etc. and now she's a vp.

Anyway, she won't know which school she'll be at for several more months. I'm sure she'll love fielding that question for the next three months!

I guess our cruise in March will be a celebration cruise afterall!!

I'm so proud of my wifey! My dream of retiring at age 40 lives on! WOO HOO!