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Thursday, July 19, 2007

September? October? No, wait. It's July.

What is with this weather? Bah, I was hoping to acclimatize myself before our trip to Hong Kong with a nice string of hot humid days so I could wear my jacket in the car without rolling down the windows. The last time I checked on weather.com the temperature in Hong Kong was 33-34 degrees. But it appears that the humidity is adding on about 6-7 more degrees. So on the day we arrive, it is forecasted to be 34 degrees or about 41 degrees with the humidity! 41? Are you kiding me?

Ummm...should I be concerned? Well I've been to Florida in the middle of the summer. It can't be all that different, can it? After consulting weather.com once again and it looks like the temperature is about the same but the humidity isn't quite as bad - it only adds about 3-4 degrees. Well how about Honolulu? I've been there in the summer too. Nuts. It's a tad cooler and only adds 1-2 degrees due to the humidity.

So basically we're in trouble. I'm not sure what manner of skin rash or heat related illness we'll get but I can't wait to find out. Nine more days to acclimatize. This isn't going to be pretty people. I can stand to lose a few pounds so I guess walking around in an outdoor sauna for 9 days should help.

Actually a sauna ranges from 60-100 degrees so it's not quite that bad. But seriously, should I even have to make that kind of comparison?

Enjoy the gray.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You'll have no problem with the heat, it's nothing worse than wearing full football gear and playing a game ;) Seriously though, that's what all the air conn'd stores are for! Enjoy the trip, you'll love it!

12:15 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

Oh delight of delights. Who doesn't love a good dehydration weight loss strategy.

Will you be seeing family while you are there?

Boohoo... I won't see you until the 6th???

Have a Tzi-tzi-tza-tza tao fat, rip-roarin' good time! Lookin' fwd to great stories.

7:17 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

No last goodbyes? I guess not. Too busy getting ready for Hot Hong Kong Fun.

See you when you get back!!

5:34 PM

Blogger Unknown said...


Lay gong may ah?

9:42 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

I think you should add dates to your comment-posting. Time stamps are less informative without them, no?

9:42 AM

Blogger Unknown said...


9:43 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

i'm procrastinating from doing some things that i don't want to do.

Lucky you.

9:43 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, actually it is September, now!

8:47 PM


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