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Monday, July 09, 2007

Finally, a sunny weekend!

We had another busy weekend but it was oddly movie-free. On Friday night we went out with the parental units on both sides and headed to Runway 26 Buffet at the Riverrock Casino. Seafood and prime rib. MMmmmmmmmmmmmm. It was only okay actually. It's not Las Vegas afterall.

On Saturday, we headed out to Spanish Banks to soak up some sun and get some much needed sun-induced vitamins. We set up some bbqs, played a lot of volleyball and ate until the sun went down. Suffice it to say I'm browner than I was last week. Oh and I also have a bad tank-top tan. But I guess that's better than a farmer's tan - although I'm not sure if that's not the same thing.

Yesterday, we hosted a bbq at our place for our church choir. Good times were had by all. I'd be remiss if I didn't mention that we had 4 types of pasta salad. Not the most carb friendly meal on earth but I never believed in that anyway. We played a lot of bocce. Surprisingly fun considering we have huge tree roots all over the backyard. It makes for a challenging course.

This morning I returned 3 bags of cans to the recycling depot and collected a whopping $7.90. Dinner is on me tonight! Then I had to take the car in to get fixed as we have a little dent that needs to get smoothed out.

I shall round out today's festivities by getting a much-needed haircut. It's reached the "it's kind of puffy, isn't it?" stage.

That is all.


Blogger Unknown said...

I just cut my hair last week too! A THREE-HOUR cut by a student at Carsten Institute. It was his FIRST cut on a live head with the school.

Thankfully Carsten was there to yell at him and fix my hair.

6:34 PM

Blogger Jenn's Yarn Addiction said...

Where'd you get your bocce set from? I was thinking of getting one for the in-laws.

8:38 PM


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