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Friday, December 08, 2006

Things you didn't know about Santa...

Susan asked me the other day if Santa Claus was real. I think what she meant was, who was the real St. Nicholas. At least I hope that's what she meant.

Saint Nicholas was a bishop from Myra (modern day Turkey) who used his inheritance to help out the poor, sick and down trodden. His legend grew when a poor man, unable to support his 3 daughters or provide dowries for marriage, was about to give his daughters over to a life of prostitution. Saint Nicholas gave them gold and cookies enabling them to turn back from a life of prostitution and marry.

In Dutch, Saint Nicholas is Sint Nicolaas. This became contracted to Sinterklaas, which is the Dutch name for this legendary figure. The Dutch, Belgians and Germans commermorate his death with celebrations on December 6th (or on the night before). As English immigrants moved to New Amsterdam (present day New York) in America, the Dutch name was mispronounced Santa Claus.

But in a lot of other places, the term Santa Claus isn't used. The image of Father Christmas predates Santa Claus in many parts of the world. If your travels happen to bring you to a far off place for the holidays, here's what you'd call Santa instead:

Afghanistan - Baba Chaghaloo
Albania - Babadimri
Armenia - Gaghant Baba
Brazil – Papai Noel
Bulgaria - Dyado Koleda
Chile - Viejo Pascuero
Denmark – Julemanden
Egypt - Papa Noël
Finland - Joulupukki
France and French Canada - le Père Noël
Germany – Weihnachtsmann or Nikolaus
Greece - Ayos Vasílis
Hungary – Mikulás
Iran - Baba Noel
Ireland - Daidí na Nollaig
Italy - Babbo Natale
Lithuania - Kalėdų Senelis
Malta – San Niklaw
Norway – Julenissen
Portugal – Pai Natal
Romania – Moş Crăciun
RussiaDed Moroz
Scottish Highlands – Daidaín na Nollaig
Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina - Deda Mraz
South Africa – Vader Kersfees
Spain - Papá Noel" or "San Nicolás
Sweden – Jultomten
Turkey – Noel Baba
United Kingdom - Father Christmas


Blogger Jenn's Yarn Addiction said...

In the Philippines Santa is called "I will bring lots of presents to Jenn"

AHAHHAHAH, sorry, that cracked me up!

3:12 PM


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