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Wednesday, December 06, 2006

It ain't Christmas without these...

I was just watching "Santa Claus is Comin' to Town" last night. It's one of those old Rankin and Bass stop-motion television specials starring Mickey Rooney and Fred Astaire. Anyway, here is my "It ain't Christmas unless I watch these shows" list, in no particular order:

  1. Home Alone - how can you not find that Culkin kid even a little bit cute? Hey, what does little Kevin have in common with the US Vice-President? They both shoot people in the face with pellet guns. Too soon?
  2. The Christmas Story - speaking of pellet guns, who wouldn't want an official Red Ryder carbine-action 200-shot range model BB rifle with a compass in the stock? Peter Billingsley sure did. A classic movie shown 24 hours straight on TBS on Christmas Eve.
  3. Dr. Seuss: How The Grinch Who Stole Christmas - The cartoon was WAY better than the movie. Who doesn't know that famous song? All together now: "You're a mean one, Mr. Grinch..." Okay, actually those are the only words I know.
  4. A Charlie Brown Christmas - perhaps the saddest show ever. That Charlie Brown can't buy a break. I have a 12-inch Charlie Brown doll at home who plays 15 different sayings from this holiday classic. They're all depressing though. Charlie Brown should be kept on suicide watch. Poor kid.
  5. Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer - Wonderful songs, touching story and that crazy Animagic they use. Just great! Not to mention the Humble Bumble, Yukon Cornelius and Hermey to round out the cast (I have all these figures in my house too). But what's with the high pitched noise when Rudolph's nose lights up?
  6. Frosty the Snowman - Creepy magicians will always make great villians. Catchy song and great animation make this a must for me.
  7. It's a Wondeful Life - I don't think there was a better role Jimmy Stewart ever played. Just a fantastic movie with heartwarming performances. I just love this movie.
  8. Mickey's Christmas Carol - This is my favorite rendition of Dicken's classic story. The animation is just sooo great. Scrooge McDuck, Goofy as Jacob Marley, Mickey as Bob Cratchit - how can you go wrong?
  9. Mr. Bean's Christmas - I'm not much for British humour, but this guy is funny. What's funnier than wearing a giant turkey on your head? Not much.
  10. Polar Express - I just watched this for the first time last week. It was pretty great! The animation was a tad creepy but seeing thousands of elves gather around Santa was pretty neat...creepy, but neat.
  11. Elf - Will Ferrell was dang funny in this. And I loved the "Baby It's Cold Outside" duet with Zoey Deschanel.
  12. The Santa Clause - The first movie was good. The sequels weren't so good. Tim Allen made a very good reluctant Santa. The instantly growing beard, the clever play on words - it was a solid warm hearted Christmas movie.

Did I miss anything??


Blogger Amanda A said...


Chick Flick Christmas movie, but soooo cute!

11:37 AM

Blogger Jenn's Yarn Addiction said...

I'm coming to your house to steal your Yukon Cornelius figure. Be afraid, be very afraid...

12:16 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oy vey! ELF must replace Polar Express. Too much creepy animation in Polar Express. All that Christmas cheer packed into one little Elf movie. My favourite line: "Oh no! -dramatic pause- the Central Park Rangers!"

9:51 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yayyyyy!!! Nice edit. Although a Top 11 list is a little different. Kind of like a baker's dozen. Except not.

Brava!! Brava!!

...to you ... and to Buddy!

7:38 PM


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