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Monday, November 27, 2006

Fiddler has left the building

It's all done! We had our last show yesterday and it went well. Actually the entire run was very consistent. We took down the set in about an hour and then went to Jim and Pam's (the producers) house for a wrap up party. We ate pizza, sang songs and shaved the guys' beards!! We auctioned off each beard shaving and raised over $200 for charity!

The snow was awful though!!!

Oh what's even more awful? I have a horrible rash on my face from the chemical used to remove my beard!!! We tried a new thing the last couple of nights and boy, my skin did NOT like it! I'm all blotchy, itchy and red!!!! BOOOOOOOOOO!

We have another wrap up party next week at Tevye's place.

We have the DVD so we can show you it one day if you like!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Grody to the Max!! How does one auction one's beard? That sounds repulsive. But good on ya for raising $200!

Save a video viewing for me.

6:56 PM

Blogger Jenn's Yarn Addiction said...

I'm taking you up on that DVD offer. Be afraid...

1:36 PM


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